I posted about Ore no Italian last month. And I went to Ore no French (俺のフレンチ) the other day ! Finally ! We visited Ningyocho branch. There were lots of people waiting in front of the restaurant before the opening time.

But it seems that we can enter the restaurant without waiting if we come the restaurant before the opening for stand-up-eating area. If we want to be seated and eat, we have to reserve in advance. We can stay the restaurant only two hours, so we order our drinks quickly. My drink was Red wine. Pinot Noir. Parmigiano Reggiano is served included in table charge.

Salad. I like caesar salad because its dressing is rich and tasty.

Galette. Its flavor of truffle was so good !

Lobster poele with basil sauce and Beurre blanc sauce.

Grilled cod roe with butter and herb. Soft roe took me to the heaven. It’s flavorful.

Tournedos rossini with beef fillet and foire gras. The meat was so juicy and tasty.

Round meat of Ezo deer poele with juniper berry butter. The meat was so chewy. I don’t like it.

Roasted beef. It was not on the menus. When we asked the waiter, “What is recommend ?”, he said “roast beef”. So, we ordered. It was tasty.
Onion gratin soup. This is my delight. Of course, delicious !

Risotto with truffle and foire gras.

My next drink was White wine. It have German name, so I ordered it. I like sweet German wine.

And last, dessert. Walnut and caramel mille feuille with caramel ice cream. It was bitter unexpectedly. I like the bitterness.

Fromage. Also it was not on the menus. It was really soft. It melted in my mouth quickly.

Everything except deer was tasty, but I don’t like the atmosphere of the restaurant, as same as Ore no Italian.
Get out.
I felt we were rushed 🙁
I want to feel free to eat and drink at restaurants. If you especially want to eat and drink good foods at inexpensive price, I recommend you the restaurant. But if you want to enjoy eating, I recommend another restaurant. I say again. Those dishes were good. 🙂
Name Ore no French Ningyocho (俺のフレンチNingyocho)
Open Dinner
Reservation Available (Required for seats)
Credit card Available
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