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Osaka: Shitennoji Temple (四天王寺) and Its Historic Charm


We went to Shitennoji temple (四天王寺) after enjoying tonkatsu at Manje.

Shitennoji Temple is one of the seven temples established by Prince Shotoku. These seven temples include:
Horyu-ji temple (法隆寺, Nara)
Koryu-ji temple (広隆寺, Kyoto)
Hokki-ji temple (法起寺, Nara)
Shitenno-ji temple (四天王寺, Osaka)
Chugu-ji temple (中宮寺, Nara)
Tachibana-dera temple (橘寺, Nara), believed to be Prince Shotoku’s birthplace
Katsuragi-ji temple (葛木寺, Nara), which no longer exists

According to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), Shitennoji was originally built in 593, making it one of the oldest temples in Japan, alongside Asuka Temple (飛鳥寺). However, due to repeated fires over the centuries, the current structures are relatively new reconstructions. The temple is dedicated to Kuse Kannon Bosatsu (救世観音菩薩).

Chozuya (手水舎): A water pavilion used for purification rituals.

Chozuya (手水舎)

Nio-mon Gate (仁王門), a traditional gate that welcomes visitors.

Nio-mon gate (仁王門)

Yoshitsune Yoroi-kake Matsu (義経よろい掛け松): Legend says Minamoto no Yoshitsune rested here, hanging his armor on a pine tree.

“Yoshitsune Yoroi-kake matsu” (義経よろい掛け松)


Well (井戸)

Visitors can access the inner area, including the five-storied pagoda, for an additional 400 yen. This area is well worth exploring. Interestingly, the name “Tennoji” for the surrounding area comes from this temple.

Five-storied pagoda(五重塔)

I also got a Goshuin (御朱印), which says “大悲殿 (Daihiden).”



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