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[Hida Takayama] Takayama Jinya (高山陣屋)

GIFU (Shirakawago, Takayama)

After we had breakfast and took break, we went to Takayama Jinya (高山陣屋) in the snow.

“Jinya” was the administrative headquarters of a small domain or parcel of land held by the Tokugawa shogunate, as well as the residence of the head of the administration, and the associated grain storehouse. Inside the architecture is open to the public (with 420 yen). There are many historical documents and exhibits in the architecture.

Farmar’s market is held every morning in front of the gate and the market is popular as well as Miyagawa Farmer’s market in Takayama city. Well, because of heavy snowfall, the market wasn’t held.

It is a must visit architecture when you come to Takayama ! No, you should be Takayama for visiting there !

I felt I’m in Samurai film !

Though it was still early in the morning in the heavy snow, there were already lots of tourists around Takayama Jinja. Because we entered the gate sooner than them, we could take photos of inside the architecture without people. We were lucky. By the way, Takayama Jinya is the only surviving Jinya now.

There is goverment office (Oyakusho), restroom (Goyoba), hall, employee’s houses (Yakutaku), Examine room (Ginmisho), Oshirasu , rice storage and so on.

Entrance room (玄関の間)

Government official’s room. Government officials performed their administrative activities there.

On-yakusyo (御役所)
Guest room (座敷)
Reception room (用人部屋)
Entrance for officials (役人出勤口)

Room to perform tea ceremony.

Onkakoi (御囲い)

It is used as a court for civil cases. (O)shirasu means area of white sand.
Prisoners sat there. They were sometimes tortured severely.

Oshirasu (白洲)
Room for messengers from Edo government (使者の間)
Kitchen (台所)

Well, I imagine that it was really too cold at that time…

Though it was too cold, snowscape is splendid all the same. There’s a small dango shop in front of Takayama Jinya. The lady might serve hot one, it got lukewarm quickly while taking the photo :p


Name Takayama Jinya (高山陣屋)
Open Morning through evening
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
URL Website

Google Map


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