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Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Coffee and pudding at Senriken (センリ軒)


We had coffee break at Senriken (センリ軒) after having breakfast. Tsukiji Market have some cafes. Senriken is one of that. This was the first time to visit this cafe. This cafe is sandwiched by two sashimi bowl shops. Unexpectedly Senriken is larger and there are some tables and counter seats.

We had hot coffee. Our coffee was served quickly. And it was tasty. It had refreshing tastes.

Hot coffee (コーヒー) 380 yen

And my friend ordered pudding that is her recommendation. And she gave me some. It was sweet and abundant flavor of egg. It was delicious. Senriken will be my regular cafe after having breakfast at Tsukiji.

Pudding (プリン) 220 yen


Name Senriken (センリ軒)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

Google Map (Current location in Toyosu Market)

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