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Closed – [Tokyo] Spaghetti lunch at Carmen (カルメン) in Harumi Toriton bldg


What is your favorite sauce for spaghetti ? I like tarako best ! Tarako is cod roe. Carmen (カルメン) in Harumi toriton bldg is very popular lunch spot by workers in the building. I like them, too. Especially, their tarako spaghetti is great. They offer large helping by free of charge at lunchtime past 1 p.m. So, I always visit there past 1 p.m. and order a large helping 🙂

Almost all their spaghetti cost under 1000 yen. Inexpensive. I know tarako sauce is Japanese flavor. Not common in another countries. So, if you visit Japan, I recommend you eat spaghetti with tarako sauce as well as sushi, yakiniku and ramen 🙂


Name Carmen (カルメン 晴海トリトン店)
Open Lunch through dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Available for dinner time only

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