

[Tokyo] Tenkushi Nishioka (天串にしおか) in Kachidoki

I want to find any another good restaurants for my lunch and I tried a lunch meal at the shop the other day. Tenkushi N...

[Tokyo] Red sea bream ramen at Ginzasa (麺処 銀笹) in Tsukiji

There's a so popular ramen shop along the quiet street far from the center of Tsukiji. The shop's name is Ginzasa (麺処 銀...

Closed – [Tsukiji] Horse mackerel at Uoshiki (魚四季)

Horse mackerel is my most favorite fish and I won't get tired of eating it no matter how much I eat. I ate it today at ...

Closed – [Tsukiji Market] Horse mackerel, bonito and saikyo-yaki at Kato (和食かとう)

I felt like having horse mackerel sashimi, so I had breakfast at Kato (和食かとう) after long absence. When I ate at ...

[Tokyo] Unagi at Akagaki (赤垣) in Hatsudai

I wanted to try some eels restaurant. One of the restaurant is Akagaki (赤垣) in Hatsudai close to Shinjuku area. They ar...

Moved – [Tsukiji Market] A set at Odayasu (小田保)

I visited Odayasu (小田保) again. Now Odayasu is my dining room :p Truthfully speaking, I wanted to eat seasonal tempura a...

[Tokyo] Fresh pork innards at Bariki (馬力) in Kinshicho

Recently I'm dying for meat. Of course, I love fish, but now meat attract me. And I search for some restaurants that se...

[Tsukiji] First bonito bowl at Hajime Sengyo-ten (はじめ鮮魚店) at lunchtime

I went to Tsukiji atweekday's lunch time after long absence. Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店) is thefarthest lunch spot from ...

Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Tuna’s tail steak and marinated oysters in olive oil at Odayasu (小田保)

I'm just back from Osaka. Osaka is really delicious city. I want to go there again without fail. And Tokyo is also a de...

[Tokyo] Chocolatier Inamura Shozo (ショコラティエ・イナムラ ショウゾウ) in Nippori

I love chocolate drinks called chocolat chaud in French. Chocolatier Inamura Shozo (ショコラティエ・イナムラショウゾウ) is so popular an...

[Tokyo] Sakura anmitsu at Kanten Papa Cafe (かんてんパパカフェ) in Hatsudai

Though cherry blossoms in Tokyo already fell, the blossoms in Tohoku region will be at their best soon. And we can stil...

[Ginza] Ginza Shimada (銀座しまだ)

My friend reserved Ginza Shimada (銀座しまだ) the other day. And we visited there. As its name, Ginza Shimada is located wit...

Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Ebidon at Odayasu (小田保)

Recently I like Odayasu (小田保) best in Tsukiji Market and I visit there so frequently. I ordered ebidon this morn...

(Close in Jan 2023) [Ginza] Rice gruel at Hau Hau Tei (好好亭)

I rarely eat rice gruel. Only when I'm sick. But I felt like eating rice gruel because I saw the photoof the rice gruel...

[Tokyo] Panini at Bread, Espresso & (パンとエスプレッソと) in Omotesando

I don't know how many years had it been since the last time I spent my time in cafe at Omotesando. Sometimes I have som...
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