

Maccha flavor is popular now.

Toppo maccha flavor and kakigori. I could't but buy it seeing such a special maccha sauce on whipped cream and maccha i...

Closed – [Tokyo] Spaghetti lunch at Carmen (カルメン) in Harumi Toriton bldg

What is your favorite sauce for spaghetti ? I like tarako best ! Tarako is cod roe. Carmen (カルメン) in Harumi toriton bld...

Closed – [Shinjuku] Mademoiselle macaron (マドモワゼル・マカロン) in Shinjuku Lumine

I had something to do at Shinjuku, and after that I wanted to buy some sweet things. So, I sauntered Shinjuku LUMINE. A...

Closed – [Tokyo] Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo Seafort (第一ホテル東京シーフォート) in Tennozu

I found the one-night and breakfast included plan of the Dai-Ichi Hotel Tokyo Seafort (第一ホテル東京シーフォート) was 10000 yen on ...

Kita Shinagawa : Two shrines

Visiting one of Tokyo Jissha (ten) shrines Now on I'm visitting Tokyo Jissha. Shinagawa Jinja shrine. Daikokute...
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