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[Chiba] Chibaken Gokoku Shrine (千葉縣護国神社)


All prefectures have Gokoku shrine. Gokoku shrine is a shrine honoring war dead. Of course, Chiba prefecture where I live in, too. I visited Chibaken Gokoku shrine (千葉縣護国神社) the other day.

So vast. And I couldn’t find the border between the shrine and Chiba Park.

Cyozuya (手水舎)

Front shrine (拝殿)

Sanctuary tablet (You read from right to left)

Cherry blossom ?

Because it is Gokoku shrine, enshrined deities are dead soldiers from End of Edo period to Great East Asian War who lived in Chiba. So, there are many monuments.

Memorial stone
Monument to the faithful who died in battle
Monument of honor of Kamikaze heroes
Monument for 500 yeas from foundation
Repose of souls monument for the dead by Sino-Japanese war

This is memorial stone, too. Such many monuments and stones made us realize so large number of people dead because of wars since Edo period.

Monument for relocation of a shrine

When I visit Gokoku shrine, I get gosyuin. Of course, I got this time, too.


Name Chibaken Gokoku Shrine (千葉縣護国神社)
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