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[Tokyo] Chocolatier Inamura Shozo (ショコラティエ・イナムラ ショウゾウ) in Nippori


I love chocolate drinks called chocolat chaud in French. Chocolatier Inamura Shozo (ショコラティエ・イナムラショウゾウ) is so popular and wanted to visit for a long time and finally, I visited there. They are located in Nippori.

They have shop area at the door. Many chocolate cakes are in the showcase. Many customers were there. And the cafe space at the back of the room. It is based around color white  is in the right. There were not much people to use the cafe than shoppers.

Cakes are not on the menus, so we had to choice our cakes at the showcase and then we ordered our cakes and drinks at the table. We choiced two cakes. Dome-shaped cake is Chocolat de chocolat.

Chocolat de chocolat (ショコラ・ドゥ・ショコラ) 516 yen

And mine is chocolate cake. Those cakes had so rich tastes of chocolate. Delicious.

Chocolate cake (チョコレートケーキ) 450 yen

But I liked the chocolate drink best all the same. I felt I drink real chocolate.

Chocolate drink (ショコラショウ) 600 yen

We can also eat some pieces of chocolates at the cafe. One piece of chocolate cost us from 300 yen 🙂


Name Chocolatier Inamura Shozo (ショコラティエ イナムラショウゾウ)
Open Day through evening
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
URL Website

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  1. melissayears says:

    Mmm, delicious!

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