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[Makuhari] Birthday dinner at Cinq au pied (サンク・オ・ピエ) in Makuhari Hongo


December 20th is my birthday.
So, we went to eat French in Makuhari-Hongo.

Cinq au pied 

I heard the restaurant’s name means “within 5 minutes walk”.

But we couldn’t reach within 5 minutes walk from the station because there are some signals 😛

It was a cozy, cute restaurant.

My friend who is foodie recommended the restaurant. And we met him with his friends in the restaurant that day by chance !

My first drink was a sparkling house wine 😀

Though they had menus that for “Pre Christmas Course”, but I wanted to drink ordinary sparkling wine.

We took a “Pre Christmas course” The course was until 20. So, this was the last day of the course.
And “Christmas course” had started from next day.

Foie gras from landes of France terrine with apple compote and balsamic sauce

Very cute, and Christmas-like brilliant appetizer ! Not only its looking, it was tasty.



My next drink was it. It was served as good white wine for robster.

Roasted robster’s tail and Scombrops gilberti poele with strong robster bisque sauce
オマール海老テールのローストと本日の黒ムツのポワレ オマール海老の濃厚ビスク仕立て

This bisque sauce was so thick taste of robster !!!

Roasted back meat of Mangalitza, sauted porcino, sauted foire gras with mushrooms duxelles sauce and truffle flavor

Spain’s national treasure came !

Sooo juicy !!! The sauce had much mushrooms and onions flavor !

Valrhona grand cru chocolat CARIB,ice cream with COINTREAU flavor and tart with strawberry and whipped cream

My birthday special plate 🙂

Pre Christmas special cafe by Sakamoto Coffee

This coffee was roasted only for the course. It was lightly flavor and went with the dessert well.
Everything was good, and this was happy birthday dinner !

I will make this year great one!


Name Cinq au pied (サンク・オ・ピエ)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Required
Credit card Unavailable
URL Website, Instagram

Google Map

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  1. Ryoko says:

    Thank you :->
    2013 end soon. I was lucky to see you on the Internet this year.

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