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[Matsumoto] Breakfast at Coffee Bigaku Abe (珈琲美学アベ)

NAGANO (Suzaka etc)

I had breakfast at Coffee Bigaku Abe (珈琲美学アベ) when I had one-night trip in Matsumoto. I had wanted to visit there for a long time because I knew they have such an atmosphere. They have valuable breakfast menu. When I got to there after 8 a.m., already 1/3 of seats were occupied. And it was entirely occupied while eating. They are so popular cafe.

When I opened the door, counter seats appeared on the right. They have L-shaped room. They are rather large. There are tables having 4 chairs or 6 chairs each. They are long-established cafe since1957. Their room is really nice.

Chairs and tables are small. When I was there, many guests visited there by one or two. But only one group had 6 person and occupied one table. They looked uncomfortable a bit.

This is the breakfast menu. They don’t prepare set. So we can order as we want. This is available until 11 a.m. Of course, Saturdays, Sundays and another national holiday is OK. Moccha parfait is their specialty. You can have it in the morning, too.

I ordered Cafe au lait. They don’t accept this order when they are busy. They weren’t busy that time. So. It’s large cup. The foam is fine. By the way, I understood why they don’t accept the order when they are busy when this was served. The staff came with coffee pot, milk and cup to my table and pour coffee and milk at the same time from higher position. I heard many guests visit this shop to see that. Because of her action, abundant flavor of coffee and milk attacked my face. I awoke up !

Cafe au lait (カフェオーレ) 500 yen

They offer valuable breakfast if we order one drink. This Cinnamon toast is 50 yen, maple syrup is 50 yen, pork sausage is 100 yen. So, 200 yen in total on the dish 🙂

Connamon toast (シナモントースト, 50 yen), Maple syrup (メープルシロップ, 50 yen) and pork sausage (ポークフランク, 100 yen)

The flavor of cinnamon was good. It was cut into 6 pieces. So, it’s easy to eat. It had much maple syrup, so I put leftover syrup into the cafe au lait.


Name Coffee Bigaku Abe (珈琲美学アベ)
Open Morning through night
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
URL Website / Instagram

Google Map

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