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[Tokyo] Anpress at Coffee Chopin (珈琲ショパン) in Kanda Awajicho


Coffee Chopin (珈琲ショパン) always attracted me when I visited Tokyo Mamehana Kobo nearby. They have such an historic atmosphere.

Their appearance is great. By the way, they are called “jun-kissa” in Japanese. Jun-kissa means a cafe and don’t serve alcoholic drinks. So… Starbucks is Jun-kissa, too ? OK ? :p

This cafe has been there since from 1933. They are long-established cafe. Smoking is permitted in the cafe. All area. There’s such an outstanding ashtray on each table. Ashtray is large or owl is large… :p

There’re tables having four chairs or two chairs. The interior is based on brown and red chairs. That’s really nice.

There’s classical music.

This is menus. Drink, foood, fresh juice and so on.

And also they have dessert set, too.

Their specialty is this Anpress. What did you imagine about Ampress ? This is answer. Anpress is baked sandwich with mashed anko (tsubu-an). Butter is put on the bread, so, I felt strong salt. And sweet anko. “Salty” and “Sweet” went into my mouth together. Delicious. It was baked over an open fire. So its outside was crisp, but the inside was soft.

Anpress (アンプレス) 450 yen

We were three and shared one anpress. It was best for us because we had already lunch. Though the lady next to us ate one anpress by herself, but I think whole one is too much for me. If I’m hungry, still I want to share it with someone.

By the way, they require us to order one group one anpress. I think it takes much time and effort.

Soda have such an mysterious green. Though I rarely have soda, when I visit kissaten or old cafe, I feel like having soda.

Soda (ソーダ水) 500 yen

Their blended coffee is,,, It is too strong and sour because they use twice as many coffee beans than normal. I don’t like it, but it have high reputation among people who like strong coffee. Umm. My tongue is still child… :p

Blended coffee (ブレンド珈琲) 500 yen

Coffee is available to go. American coffee (weaker coffee, アメリカンコーヒー, 300 yen) and iced coffee (アイスコーヒー, 350 yen)


Name Coffee Chopin (珈琲ショパン)
Open Morning through night
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

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