Recently, crepes and pancakes have become very popular in Japan, and Osaka is no exception. Osaka already has a rich “Konamon” culture. “Konamon” refers to foods made from flour. When we think of Konamon in Osaka, we usually think of udon, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, and similar dishes. Soon, pancakes and crepes might also become a part of this vibrant Konamon culture 🙂
In the heart of the Namba area, there’s a very popular crepe shop and café called Creperie Alcyon (クレープリー・アルション). As the name suggests, they specialize in crepes. The bright yellow building adorned with a French flag is incredibly charming—it feels like a little slice of Provence!

When we arrived, there were already four groups waiting ahead of us. We ended up waiting for about an hour. There’s also a TO GO window by the entrance, where you can order crepes and galettes to go.
The café spans two floors, with seating available on both the first and second floors. We were seated on the second floor. The building itself dates back to 1952, so it’s quite old and the space is a bit small. However, the cozy interior more than makes up for it.
During lunchtime, they offer special lunch sets. When we visited, it was lunchtime, so we decided to share the Alcyon lunch (アルションランチ, 960 yen) and the Crepe set(クレープセット, 880 yen). Each set have one drink and Alcyon lunch have salads.

Our drinks were served first. I ordered herbal tea. While it was just a tea bag, it had a pleasant aroma and tasted great.

The sugar came in a beautiful little treasure box!

The Alcyon Lunch included “today’s galette,” which was a Galette with smoked salmon, cabbage and shimeji mushroom with creamy sauce. However, I could barely find the smoked salmon—it was either very small or blended into the dish. That said, the galette itself was delicious. The creamy stew-like filling was especially satisfying.

The Crepe Set allows you to choose from about ten different crepes. We went with Fruits Chantilly, which featured seasonal fruits and whipped cream. That day, the seasonal fruit was apple! The kirsch-flavored cream was delightful—not too sweet, with a subtle, pleasant aroma.

If you’re looking for something different after indulging in Osaka’s traditional Konamon dishes, I highly recommend trying the crepes and galettes at Creperie Alcyon 😉
Name Creperie Alcyon (クレープリー・アルション)
Open Day through night
Reservation Available for course only
Credit card Available
URL Website, Instagram
Google Map