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[Osaka] Creperie Alchon (クレープリー・アルション) in Namba


Recently crepes and pancakes is very popular in Japan. Of course, in Osaka, too. You know Osaka have already “Konamon” culture. Konamon means foods made from flour. Speaking of Konamon in Osaka, we know udon, okonomiyaki, takoyaki and so on. And more, pancake and crepe will be included in their Konamon culture soon 🙂

Actually there’s a very popular crepe shop and cafe at the heart of Namba area. The cafe’s name is Creperie Alcyon (クレープリー・アルション). As their name, they serve crepe mainly. Yellow building with French flag is so cute ! We felt we were in Province !

When we got to the restaurant, there were already four groups waiting. We waited about 1 hours. Also there’s a window to take order “to go” besides the entrance. So we can buy crepes and galette to go.

The cafe floor is on the 1F and 2F. Our seats were on the 2F. This building was built in 1952, so it’s old. Also the room is small. But the interior is very nice.

They have lunch menus at the lunchtime. And when we visited there, they were lunch hour. So, we shared Alcyon lunch (アルションランチ, 960 yen) and Crepe set(クレープセット, 880 yen). Each set have one drink and Alcyon lunch have salads.

Salads (included in Alcyon lunch)

At first, our drinks were served. Mine was herbal tea. Though it was tea bag, the smell was good and it was tasty.

Sugar in a treasure box !

Alcyon lunch have “today’s gallete”. Today’s gallete that day was Galette with smoked salmon, cabbage and shimeji mushroom with creamy sauce. But I couldn’t find smoked salmon… Umm. very small one ? But the galette was good. Its ingredients were like creamy stew.


Crepe set have one crepe and it can be chosen from about 10 crepes. We chose Fruits Chantilly. Fruits Chantilly have seasonal fruits and whipped cream on it. Seasonal fruits that day was apple ! And the kirsch-flavored creme was delicious. It wasn’t too sweet but had pleasant smell.


I recommend their crepe and galette if you get tired of eating Osaka’s traditional Konamon 😉


Name Creperie Alcyon (クレープリー・アルション)
Open Day through night
Reservation Available for course only
Credit card Available
URL Website, Instagram

Google Map


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