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[Tokyo] A variety of meat at Gracia (食堂酒場 グラシア) in Asakusabashi


I know there’s a popular restaurant named Gracia (食堂酒場 グラシア) in Asakusabashi that is posted by my acquaintance on Facebook so frequently and I had wanted to go there for a long time. Fortunately another friend asked me to go there with her the other day. So we went to there. We didn’t take a reservation and got to the restaurant at 4 p.m. sharp.

Though the menu don’t have words “chef’s choice”, “course” and “set”, the chef said he arrange our meals within our budget and tastes. I put prices besides those name, but the chef arrange those sizes for four people and some of foods were not on the menu. So, it’s just for reference. It cost me near 6000 yen in all. The restaurant is small and have only a counter table and one table there.

Regular menu
Today’s special

At first, we toasted with drinks !

Sudach sour (すだちサワー) 500 yen

And vegetables were served. Fresh vegetables. We heaved our breast in expectation.

Organic water cress and fruits tomatoes salad (有機クレソンとフルーツトマトのサラダ) 680 yen

Gracia serve a variety of delicious meat. At first, Wagyu nikomi was served. Though it looks so fatty, the top quality of Wagyu beef’s fat was light and sweet. We drunk the soup up with spoon 🙂

Wagyu nikomi (和牛煮込み) 480 yen

Marinated Jiyou-dori Chickens’ white meat with miso. Marinated with miso. It had springy texture and was tasty. It’ll go with Japanese sake !

Marinated Jiyou-dori Chickens’ white meat with miso (滋養鶏ささみの漬け) 780 yen

Cream cheese with dried katsuobushi flakes. Katsuobushi is dried bonito. Cream cheese unexpectedly went with bonito flakes well. Such a refreshing tastes between meats enabled us eating much meats 🙂

Cream cheese with katsuobushi flakes (クリームチーズのかつおぶしのせ) 600 yen

Roasted Sendai beef marbled short rib at low temperature

Roasted Sendai beef marbled short rib at low temperature (仙台牛の霜降りカルビの低温ロースト) 1680 yen

Pickled daikon radish with mustard. It was tasty. It’s spicy just a little.

Pickled daikon radish with mustard (大根の芥子漬け) 480 yen

Oysters and olive. And the chef gave it to us in special. We were four, but there were two oysters only. Ladies (containing me) could get it. I was lucky 🙂

Oysters and olive

Marinated chuck flap with Haccho miso. Strong tastes of Hatcho must be gone with rice. So, I wanted to have rice..

Marinated chuck flap with Hatcho miso (ザブトンの八丁味噌漬け) 980 yen

Spicy cod innards. That’s my delight. I needed rice all the same.

Spicy cod innards (チャンジャ)

Pork steak. This is their specialty ! Yokkaichi pork steak. Needless to say, this was great ! Thick pork, sweet sauce and cabbage. There’s exquisite balance.

Pork steak (トンテキ) 980 yen

And I ordered second drink. Obuse Winery in Nagano make Japanese sake only once in a year. This is the sake ! Not wine 🙂

Le Sake Erotique NEUF a Levures sauvages 2014 – Obuse Winery

And that day’s entree appeared ! A5 grade of Miyazaki black beef fillet steak.

A5 grade of Miyazaki black beef fillet steak (宮崎牛黒毛和牛A5フィレステーキ 150g) 4980 yen

Medium rare ! Needless to say, it’s great !

Sauted Shinsyu shimeji, hiratake and maitake with garlic butter. Natural grown mushrooms. Those mushrooms were huge. Juicy and tasty.

Sauted Shinsyu shimeji, hiratake and maitake with garlic butter (信州しめじ、ひら茸、舞茸のガーリックバター) 880 yen

After we ate those mushrooms and saw leftover soup. We all agreed that we need breads to soak in and ordered some pieces of breads. After a while , bread was served and we were surprised. This is bread of great bakery in Asakusa. We know perican’s bread can be bought unless we have reservation in advance or wait for a long long hours in line. Oh my.

Breads by Perican (ペリカンのパン) 160 yen

And he chef said “this is the end of the course”. So, we ordered ramen and curry. Our acquaintance recommended us to eat ramen and curry if it is on the menus however full we might be. So we ordered both. This is keema curry with Sendai beef.

Keema curry with Sendai beef (仙台牛のキーマカレー)

Ramen with mussels. Mussels from Mie prefecture. It’s shoyu ramen having chicken broth. I was so impressed by the ramen ! Everyone wanted second helping, but they didn’t have.

Ramen with mussels (ムール貝のラーメン) 700 yen

When we ordered curry and ramen, we intended to finish our dinner, but we could still eat something. So, we ordered another two dishes. Pork hanging tender.

Pork hanging tender (ポークハラミさがり) 880 yen

Root of beef tongue with salt

Root of beef tongue with salt(タンもと塩) 880 yen

And one of my friend wanted to eat also dessert, so we ordered it. Honey croissant with Shinsyu apple and vanilla ice cream. Dessert was good, too.

Honey croissant with Shinsyu apple and vanilla ice cream (信州りんごとバニラアイスのハニークロワッサン) 780 yen

As a whole, everything was delicious and we decided to visit there again soon.


Name Gracia (食堂酒場 グラシア)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Unavailable
URL Twitter, Instagram

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  1. Kickass_Chica says:

    4pm is very early for dinner! Is that usual for Japan?

    • Ryoko says:

      No it is unusual. This shop is more restaurant than food bar. Maybe most of visitors around 4 p.m. eat some foods and enjoy alcoholic drinks.
      But we didn’t 😛 Our target was foods and ate much as dinner because it is small and very popular restaurant and we might not be able to enter the restaurant if we went to there later time.

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