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[Tokyo] Nothing make me disappointed at Gracia (食堂酒場 グラシア) in Asakusabashi


We visited Dining bar Gracia (食堂酒場グラシア) in Asakusa area to eat delicious meats. We got to there 10 minutes before the opening time. But there was already one sitting the chair in front of the door. As you see, it was still bright as dinner.

Gracia posts their recommendations of the day on the Twitter every day and we saw it and went to there. At first we toasted with sudachi sour and ginger ale.

Though we enjoyed chef’s choice last time, but that day we were two and we wanted to order something freely and we almost decided what to eat in advance.

Satsuma Jidori chicken. There was no bad smell and it had springy texture.

Satsuma Jidori chicken from Kagoshima as sashimi (鹿児島直送 さつま地鶏刺身) 980 yen

Salads. Tomato, avocado and zucchini. They also serve good vegetables 🙂

Tomato and avocado salad (トマトとアボカドサラダ) 480 yen

And oyster ! Juicy and fresh oyster ! Huge !

Oyster from Matoya of Mie (三重的矢 岩がき) 980 yen

Sauted pork seasoned with butter and soy sauce. So thick meat ! It looks amazing ! Light butter soy sauce went with the cabbage well 🙂

Sauted pork seasoned with butter and soy sauce (ポークソテーバター醤油) 600 yen

Of course, Gracia serve delicious meats. And their curry and ramen containing those delicious meats is awesome. So, at first, we ate curry. Left is Mutton curry, and right is lenti and corn soup curry.

Mutton curry, Lentil and corn soup, and butter rice (マトンカレー& レンズ豆とコーンのスープ&バターライス) 980 yen

Mutton curry was spicy and corn curry was mild. It’s good. The butter rice was light.

This is A5 rank of Sendai beef ! It was baked lightly and ate it like sukiyaki with raw egg.

Roasted A5 rank of Sendai beef coated with yolk (仙台牛A5霜降りロースト黄身包み) 680 yen

My No.1 foods that night was it all the same ! Satsuma Jidori chicken and seafood ramen. I think this is the best ramen ever. We should eat ramen at Gracia at any costs all the same !

Satsuma Jidori chicken and seafood ramen (〆のさつま地鶏と魚介のかけラーメン) 600 yen

We were satisfied with their splendid dinner this time, too. Amazing.


Name Gracia (食堂酒場 グラシア)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Unavailable
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