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[Taipei] Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua (江記東門豆花) in Dongmen market


When I visited Dongmen market, I wanted to eat something sweet and went to this tofu pudding shop in the market. The shop’s name is Dongment Jiang Ji Douhua (江記東門豆花).

The closest gate of MRT Dongmen station to the shop is No.2. Go straight from the gate and cross the crosswalk and turn right.

This is the gate of Dongmen Market. Umm. Donmen ? Which is right ?

The gate is very close to the shop.

This is the menu. Just it.

冰豆花 Cold tofu puding
熱豆花 Hot tofu puding (Winter limited)
冰豆乳 Cold soy milk

There’re counter seats and some tables in the shop. Though many people visit one after another, many of them bought tofu pudding and soy milk to go. So, there were always many vacant seats.

I said “Cold douhua, for here” and paid money. And the staff said to me to take seat and wait for a while. She brought my tofu pudding soon. The topping is peanuts only. There’re spoons on the table.

Their tofu pudding is very simple. It’s fresh and good. The peanuts wasn’t too sweet but flavorful. The brown sugar syrup was sweet. The flavor of peanuts was comfortable.

A woman next to me ate simple tofu pudding without peanuts. I want to try next time.

This market itself close earlier. And this shop close as soon as they run out of tofu pudding. So, they close very earlier before the market’s closure. We’d better go there untill noon.

There’s a paper.
非基因改造黃豆 (GMO-free)
蔗糖 (Cane sugar)
本店採用 (They cook everything in the shop)

So, it’s safe and healthy 🙂


Name Dongmen Jiang Ji Douhua (江記東門豆花)
Open Daytime
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

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