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[Tsukiji] First bonito at Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店)


I felt like fresh sashimi and headed to Tsukiji at lunchtime during work the other day. I want to have lunch at Tsukiji before mid-summer season come as much as I can, Especially at Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店).

Hajime Sengyoten is open from 11:30 a.m. But lunchtime is finished as soon as ingredients are out. They say they serve 20 lunch set only.

That day’s lunch menu had three type bowls.
* Marinated Pacific bluefin tuna bowl containing chu-toro (生本まぐろ漬け丼(中トロ入り))
* First bonito bowl from Kagoshima (鹿児島 初かつお丼)
* Young sand lance bowl from Aichi (愛知 生小女子丼)

My choice was first bonito !

OH MY ! Bright pink-color ! I had seen dark red bonito meat only before I met Tsukiji. I sometimes can’t find the difference between bonito and tuna as its looking.

I won’t get tired of eating such a fresh sashimi everyday… But Hajime Sengyoten is far from my office …. First bonito can be eaten this season only. So you should go there soon if you are in Tokyo now!

Shijimi clam was my delight as ingredient of miso soup ! Hajime Sengyoten serve miso soup with shijimi clam so frequently. So this is another reason that I like this shop 🙂


Name Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only (Tabelog)
Credit card Unavailable
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  1. tokyohamster says:

    Mmm Mmm… that bonito looks so fresh!

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