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[Tsukiji] Tuna and salmon roe bowl at Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店)


Recently Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店) in Tsukiji is always busy at lunchtime. I’m glad that many people finally understood that their foods are delicious 🙂 I think they serve the most splendid sashimi bowl within 1000 yen in Tsukiji area.

That day’s lunch menus. All 1000 yen.

1.Wild-grown tuna and salmon roe bowl.
2.Bonito and tuna  bowl.
3.Wild-grown red sea bream and tuna bowl.

Everything had tuna. I chose Wild-grown tuna and salmon roe bowl. Small dish and daikon radish is prepared on the table, so I picked one by myself.

This is my bowl. The menu didn’t say anything, but there was lean meat and toro meat of tuna. So, it had three colors !

Wild-grown tuna and salmon roe bowl (天然生まぐろといくら丼) 1000 yen

The salmon roe was good. That’s gorgeous bowl !


Name Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only (Tabelog)
Credit card Unavailable
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