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[Tsukiji] Dinner party at Upstairs of Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店)


Before going to Russia, I joined the dinner at Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店) at Tsukiji. I had lunch at Hajime Sengyoten before and I had wanted to have dinner, too. They have 1F and 2F. 1F is stand-up-eating area and serve lunch at lunchtime. And 2F is tatami room. It’s used for party and reservation is required (course only). We ordered chef’s choice course (5500 yen) in advance.

Mekabu. Mekabu is thick wakame leaves from near the stalk.


Boiled sardine with soy sauce and plum. The boiled sauce had plum, so it’s sour just a bit. The sardine was fatty !

Raw baby sardines. I like raw baby sardine very much. Its bitterness was really good !

Assorted sashimi. From shrimp clockwise, blackthroat seaperch, lean akami (meat of tuna), chutoro (medium-fatty tuna), sea urchin, abalone, tairagi shell. Center is octopus.

Slime flounder karaage. Its coating was crisp !

Chickens (neck meat and skin) and tomatoes. I didn’t eat chickens much because those chicken were seasoned strongly. I ate much cabbages and tomatoes. cabbage putting on sauce was really good.

Sake chazuke. Sake means not alcoholic drinks here. This sake means salmon :p It’s refreshing. Delicious. I put some wasabi.

And carrots and squids.

Those were good. But one of my friend said that their foods are better on the 1F. On the 1F, they use fresh seafoods of the day only, but on the 2F, they have to prepare course, so the course have some seafood that they don’t think that is awesome.


Name Hajime Sengyoten (はじめ鮮魚店)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only (Tabelog)
Credit card Unavailable
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  1. Cold as it is, going out for lunch. « Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Hajime sengyoten – はじめ鮮魚店 The shop changes lunch menu every day by their stock. Only 20 dishes overall. I choiced wild Pacific bluefin tuna and scallops bowl (天然本まぐろ・ほたて丼, 1000 yen). The scallops were big ! Pickled daikon and tamagoyaki. This shop is good at night. I ate at here last July. July 17, 2012:  Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten(はじめ鮮魚店) […]

  2. Fresh seafoods at lunchtime, Tsukiji | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Past articles about Hajime Sengyo-ten * 29/12/2012 Cold as it is, going out for lunch * 27/07/2012 Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten(はじめ鮮魚店) […]

  3. Cold as it is, going out for lunch (Tsukiji Outer Market, Kachidoki) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] This shop is good at night. I ate at here last July. July 17, 2012:  Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten(はじめ鮮魚店) […]

  4. Fresh seafoods at lunchtime (Tsukiji) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] about Hajime Sengyo-ten * Dec 29st, 2012 Cold as it is, going out for lunch (Tsukiji, Kachidoki) * Jul 27st, 2012 Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten (Tsukiji) * May 21st, 2012 Lunch spot far from my office […]

  5. Pickled tuna bowl, Hajime Sengyo-ten (Tsukiji) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] and scallop (Tsukiji) * Dec 29th, 2012 Cold as it is, going out for lunch (Tsukiji, Kachidoki) * Jul 27th, 2012 Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten (Tsukiji) * May 21st, 2012 Lunch spot far from my office […]

  6. Returned bonito (Tsukiji) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] and scallop (Tsukiji) * Dec 29th, 2012 Cold as it is, going out for lunch (Tsukiji, Kachidoki) * Jul 27th, 2012 Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten (Tsukiji) * May 21st, 2012 Lunch spot far from my office […]

  7. First bonito (Tsukiji) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] and scallop (Tsukiji) * Dec 29th, 2012 Cold as it is, going out for lunch (Tsukiji, Kachidoki) * Jul 27th, 2012 Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten (Tsukiji) * May 21st, 2012 Lunch spot far from my office […]

  8. Difficult for me to choice two from five !! (Tsukiji) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] and scallop (Tsukiji) * Dec 29th, 2012 Cold as it is, going out for lunch (Tsukiji, Kachidoki) * Jul 27th, 2012 Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten (Tsukiji) * May 21st, 2012 Lunch spot far from my office […]

  9. Celebrating myself with salmon roe (Tsukiji) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] and scallop (Tsukiji) * Dec 29th, 2012 Cold as it is, going out for lunch (Tsukiji, Kachidoki) * Jul 27th, 2012 Upstairs of Hajime sengyo-ten (Tsukiji) * May 21st, 2012 Lunch spot far from my office […]

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