On the day of the ox in midsummer, Japanese have a custom to eat eel which started in the Edo period . I also went to Hannaritei (はんなり亭) eat eel the other day with my friend. But I thought the day would have too many guests at each restaurants, so I went to eels restaurant before that day. Still, the restaurant was already full when I got to there just after the opening time. So, we had to wait about 40 minutes. We killed time at Saizeriya.

They are just close to JR Higashi Funabashi station. They are so popular eels restaurant in Chiba. But I’m not familiar with Higashi Funabashi because I rarely use JR line.
This chopsticks are not ordinary cheap one. The notice says it is special one. (I don’t remember well though)

Around the day of the ox in midsummer, they only serve several menus. Unajyu, Hitsumabushi, and some foods for alcoholic drinks.

We wanted to eat grilled eels’ innards, but unfortunately, they didn’t serve nevertheless it was on the menu. So, I just ordered a deluxe unajyu.

Soft and full-bodied delicious eels. Well, the prices in Chiba are a little more inexpensive than in Tokyo all the same. I think if it in Tokyo, the price would be over 3000 yen.

Miso soup had asari clam.

My friend ordered this. Hitsumabushi. It had so much eel ! At first, eating it as it is. Next, eating it with some condiments. And last, pouring soup stock and eating it as o-chazuke. We can enjoy three ways of eating one hitsumabushi. It looked yummy. I decided to eat it next time 🙂

Name Hannaritei (はんなり亭)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for course only
Credit card Unknown
URL Website
Google Map
yumm 🙂
thanks for your comment.
Those were so tasty 😉
I love the Japanese eels and the sweet, savory eel sauce:)
I agree 🙂
I hope the cost of eels become lower as before,
Yay, that’s very convenient! I’ll have to try it!
I wish you like it 😉