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Kamakura: Stunning Hydrangea Views at Hasedera Temple (長谷寺)

Kanagawa & Saitama

On the second day of our trip to Kamakura, we visited Hasedera temple (長谷寺), renowned for its beautiful hydrangea path, known as Ajisai-michi. This path, located at the top of the temple grounds, is a major attraction that draws countless visitors every year during the hydrangea season.

Hase-dera map

We arrived at the temple before 10 a.m., but as you can see, it was already bustling with visitors.

At the ticket office, we were informed that there would be a 90-minute wait to access the hydrangea path! Despite this, we decided not to give up and purchased our tickets. Our ticket number was 517, indicating the large number of people already in line.

While waiting, we explored the other sights within Hasedera Temple. The temple grounds are rich with attractions, making the wait time more enjoyable. Additionally, visitors are allowed to leave and re-enter the temple during their wait.

Worship hall.

One highlight of the temple is the Benten kutsu cave, which houses various statues dedicated to Benzaiten, a deity of wealth, music, and knowledge.

Benten kutsu (弁天窟)
There are so many statues in the cave.

The intricate carvings and serene atmosphere make it a must-see.

So large number of benzaiten in the cave.

Finally, our ticket number was called, and we headed to the entrance of the hydrangea path. Although there was still a queue, the wait was worth it.

The path features approximately 2500 hydrangeas in full bloom, creating a breathtaking view.

Yuigahama beach and hydrangeas.

From the path, you can also enjoy stunning views of Yuigahama Beach framed by the vibrant hydrangeas. This picturesque combination of sea and flowers is truly unforgettable.

The hill is covered with hydrangeas during the season.
A variety of hydrangeas. Everything is hydrangea.

The hill, covered in hydrangeas, is like stepping into a dream world of flowers. It was one of the most memorable experiences of our trip to Kamakura. If you plan to visit during hydrangea season, be prepared for the crowds, but rest assured, it’s worth the wait.


Name Hasedera / Hase-dera (長谷寺)
URL Website, Instagram, Youtube
Fee 400 yen

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Kanagawa & Saitama
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  1. renxkyoko says:

    Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers. And that garden does look amazing !

  2. annika says:

    Very pretty flowers!

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