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Takamatsu: Grilled Chicken Heaven at Honetsukidori Ikkaku (骨付鶏 一鶴)

KAGAWA (Takamatsu etc)

Though my target was udon in Takamatsu, I also wanted to eat honetsukidori ! I love chicken. Honetsukidori is grilled chicken’s leg with bone. Now it’s the local food of Takamatsu just like udon. And honetsukidori was born at Honetsukidori Ikkaku (骨付鶏 一鶴). I visited the Yokohama branch a few days ago, but this was the first time to visit in Takamatsu ! I got there within a 20-minutes walk from Takamatsu station.

I imagined it would be like an izakaya, but actually, it’s more like a café or restaurant. It’s on the ground floor, and they have an upstairs. There were some solo guests, including me.

They offer both parent and baby birds. The parent bird is chewy but very tasty. From my experience at the Yokohama branch, it’s good to order one baby bird and share the parent bird with someone.

Another menu.


The cabbage is free. It’s fresh cabbage without seasoning. But it’s helpful because the baby bird is quite fatty.


Tsukimi tororo: When I find this on the menu at yakitori restaurants, I order it without fail. I love it. Tsukimi means yolk when used in relation to food. It contains raw yolk, grated yam, and soy sauce. It’s almost like a drink and is served in a small bowl.

Tsukimi tororo (月見とろろ) 416 yen

Because I was there by myself, I ordered just the baby bird. It was really fatty. All the liquid on the tray was the bird’s fat. The skin was so crisp, and the meat was juicy and delicious! Everyone in the restaurant ate it with their hands, but I found it a bit hard because the meat was heavy. The meat can easily be picked up with chopsticks, so I ate it that way.

Baby bird (ひなどり) 1001 yen

Back. Of course, the fat is a feast in itself. So, I put some cabbage into the fat and ate it. The fat was too heavy on its own, but with the cabbage, it was lighter. The cabbage was seasoned stronger, so it went really well with beer. It was spicy!

Ah, I didn’t have beer, so I drank a highball instead. The highball is a good companion too.

I felt like having sake produced in Kagawa prefecture. They only had Kinryo Geppaku at that time, so I ordered it. The staff served me two glasses—on the left was water, and on the right was the Kinryo Geppaku. Wow, the serving size was large.

Kinryo Geppaku (金陵月白) 508 yen


Name Honetsukidori Ikkaku Takamatsu (骨付鶏 一鶴 高松店)
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