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Honolulu 2012 Winter (4/13) : BANK OF HAWAII

Appearance, Hotel Maile sky court, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter) HAWAII

Much time at Bank of Hawaii for opening an account

I reached to Bank of Hawaii.

Appearance, Bank of Hawaii waikiki branch, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)


I asked a woman where I could open an account. She said, “Are you Japanese ? Go to International department :D”
Then I went to the direction of that the woman said to me. But I couldn’t find the place.
And I went back to the women and asked her , “Where?”
She said, “Once go out and there’s elevator on the left.”
I took it for granted that the International department is in the same floor, so I took few attention of what she said 🙁

Reaching to the International department floor, a man took me to a woman who is Japanese ancestry and can speak Japanese.
Thanks to the woman, I could open an account about an hour.

The shop’s cookies as souvenir to my friends and mother. 😛

Appearance, Honolulu cookie company, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)


Well, at first I couldn’ t understand the signal in Hawaii.


Signal2, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)

ちょっとわかりずらい、信号。「とまれ」。日本の義務教育を受けると、「手を挙げてわたれ」と解釈してしまう( ´゚д゚`)

“You can across the street.”

Signal3, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)


“You can across the street within 15 second :P”
It begin countdown from about 20 second.

Signal1, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)


Button for pedestrian.
If anything, I want to turn it, not push as button.

Signal4, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)


I walked to the my hotel 😀
Hotel Maile Sky Court. My room is on 36th floor.

Appearance, Hotel Maile sky court, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)


I tried to take a trolley. I had a hard time bacause of strong wind 🙁

View from Trolley, Honolulu(Honolulu 2012 winter)


About Hotel Maile Sky Court

Address / 2058 Kuhio Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii
Reservation / agoda.com, Booking.com, Expedia, Hotels.com
Website / http://www.mailesky.com/(in English)

2058 Kuhio Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii

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