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[Tokyo] Thai foods restaurant Inakamura (いなかむら) in Koiwa


I went to Koiwa to eat Thai cuisine the other day. I didn’t know about the restaurant at all, so I followed my friend. The restaurant’s name is Inakamura (いなかむら). They have mysterious atmosphere !

They are small restaurant. I heard that lots of Thai people who living in Japan enjoy at the restaurant. I expected that I can eat local tastes of Thailand at there.

I wanted to drink something Thai drinks. So I ordered Thai wine. SPY Red. This was the first time to drink it, it tasted like juice. But I can’t drink much alcoholic drinks. So, it was good for me 😛


Each of dishes were so big.  We were six that day. So we could order many dishes. If I came with one friend, we can’t order not more than 3 dishes.

Green papaya salad. It’s sweet but hot. I expected to the dish more hot. But it was good.

Green papaya salads (青パパイヤのサラダ)  1000 yen

Avocado salad. I like avocado, so I was happy that dish have lots of avocado ! It was not very hot, so I felt the tastes of avocado clearly.

Avocado salads (アボカドサラダ)  1200 yen

Chicken herb salad. It had plenty of vegetables and herbs ! Those were fresh !

Chickens herb salads (鶏肉のハーブサラダ)  1000 yen

Beef steak with green curry sauce. The quality of beef meats was so-so. But the curry sauce added them more tastes. I wanted to have it with rice.

Beef steak with green curry sauce (グリーンカレーステーキ)  1000 yen

Spring roll with shrimps. One whole shrimp was rolled by rice paper. It was fun !

Spring roll with shrimps (エビ春巻)  1000 yen

Soft-shell crab karaage. I ate soft-shell crab for the first time. It tasted good. I regretted that I hadn’t eaten it until then. The karaage was so crisp.

Soft-shell crab karaage (ソフトシェルクラブの唐揚げ)  1500 yen

Steamed red sea breams with herb. The staff went to buy red sea bream after we ordered it. The meat of the fish was soft and good. The sea bream went with herb well.

Steamed red sea breams with herb (鯛のハーブ蒸し) 1500 yen

Fried soft-shell crab with curry sauce. I like Soft-shell crab karaage better than it. The curry sauce didn’t go with the crab.

Fried soft shell crab with curry sauce (ソフトシェルクラブのカレー炒め) 1500 yen

Pad Ga-prao. Fried chicken with basil. It is one of the standard of Thai cuisine. Good.

Pad Ga-prao (鶏肉のバジル炒め) 1000 yen

Thai-style fried noodles. Umm… It was seasoned very weak. The shrimp was good though.

Thai-style fried noodle (タイ焼きそば) 1000 yen

Chickens green curry and rice.

Chickens green curry and rice (鶏肉のグリーンカレー) 1000 yen

My friend set the curry on the rice like this only for taking the photo. But it was distributed for six persons after all. This curry had much coconuts and it was mild and good.

I like their dishes. I want to visit there again. But I have to search for someone who go to there with me. At least three person :p


Name Inakamura (いなかむら)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Unavailable

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  1. Mitzie Mee says:

    I’ve never had Thai food in Japan. It was really interesting to see what it looked like (it looked really tasty):)

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