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[Tokyo] Jinbocho Meat Center (神保町食肉センター) in Jinbocho


I took a day off to go to Jinbocho Meat center (神保町食肉センター) at lunchtime ! They have a valuable lunch on weekdays only. When we got to there 30 minutes before the opening time, there were already many people waiting. We managed to secure seats just after the opening time.

Why do they are so popular ? The reasone is this. We can eat fresh beef liver and hearts directly from meat markea as much as we want withing 45 minutes. It cost only 950 yen ! And almost all people come to there for the fresh liver and hearts meat, so those are soon sold out before noon. The last order is 10 minutes before the time limit.

Only 45 minutes. We have not much time. But still it’s enough time to eat meats. As soon as we were seated, we prepared to grill meat ! From left to right, sliced onions, rice and wakame seaweed soup. Grilling facility is small. We shared this small grill.

After we ordered, our meats were served soon ! We started grilling quickly !

Wow ! Those hearts and liver was so fresh and there were no bad smell ! Awesome !

As soon as we eat it up, we had second helping !

I heard many (especially younger) people eat six or seven dishes of it.
We can’t eat so much, so we enjoyed fresh meat comparative slowly. I said about liver and hearts only, but they prepare leg and neck meat, too. Last, we ordered it. It’s not bad. But I think we should continue to order liver and hearts only at here.


Name Jinbocho Meat Center (神保町食肉センター)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
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