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[Tokyo] Sakura anmitsu at Kanten Papa Cafe (かんてんパパカフェ) in Hatsudai


Though cherry blossoms in Tokyo already fell, the blossoms in Tohoku region will be at their best soon. And we can still enjoy cherry-blossoms in Tokyo. With sweets. Now we can enjoy sweets that have cherry tree leaves and cherry-blossoms, and cherry-blossom-shaped confectionery, not to mention sakuramochi.

I ate Sakura anmitsu at Kanten Papa Cafe (かんてんパパカフェ) in Hatsudai close to Shinjuku. The glass in the center had cherry blossoms syrup. A petal floated 🙂 I put it over the anmitsu just before eating. The tea was sakura tea.

Sakura anmitsu (桜あんみつ) 630 yen

It smell cherry blossoms a little. The ice cream had cherry blossoms extract. It was tasty.

This cafe was managed by “Kantenpapa” that is a campany in Nagano. They produce many foods made from agar. “Kanten” means agar in English. This anmitsu have gelee and square jelly made from agar. It was really good.


Name Kanten Papa Cafe (かんてんカフェ)
Open Day through evening
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Available
URL Website, Twitter, Instagram

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