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[Motoyawata] Kushikatsu Tanaka (串カツ田中)


We decided to eat kushiage at after work the other day. Yes, we missed Osaka. Kushikatsu Tanaka (串カツ田中) is expanding. They are izakaya and serve kushikatsu and kushiage mainly. We visited Motoyawata branch. There are some steel drums outside for stand-up-eating.

There were some families and it seems to be used like family restaurant in the evening. Yes, both adults and children love deep fried foods. At first, we toasted. My drink was Jim Beam Highball. It’s so weak.

Jim Beam Highball (ジムビームハイボール) 390 yen

We ordered some foods before eating kushiage. Chipei yaki. It’s negiyaki that is Osaka local food. This food reminds me of my holidays in Osaka. Simple and good.

Chipei yaki with much green onions (葱まみれチー平焼き) 390 yen

Saiboshi. It’s smoked horse meat. It was delicious and it’s like ham. I wanted to eat more at home and I searched on the internet about it.

Saiboshi (さいぼし) 550 yen

This beef tendon stew was too sweet for me.

Beef tendon stew “Dote” (牛スジ土手) 390 yen

And potato salad. We made our Potato salad on our own! Oh my ! It’s fun.

Potato salad (ポテトサラダ) 600 yen

Last, we ordered some kushiage what we like. At first we ordered standard kushiage. Quail’s egg, onion, lotus root, pork kushikatsu, beef kushikatsu, red pickled ginger, shrimp, asparagus, and so on.

As same as at Osaka, never soak your kushiage into sauce twice ! They strain sauce and put it on the table again after guests leave. So, that’s very important thing to refrain from putting kushiage into sauce again and soak chopsticks into sauce.

We had second helping ! There is no choice but eat cheese kushiage whenever I eat kushiage !

By the way, I didn’t know beni-syoga (red pickled ginger) is one of the most popular ingredient at Kushiage shop until I visited Osaka last year for the first time. Beni-syoga is good ingredient. Now it’s MUST for me. Almost all ingredients of kushikatsu cost us 100 or 120 yen 🙂 The shop is inexpensive and serve good kushiage though alcoholic drinks are weak.


Name Kushikatsu Tanaka Motoyawata (串カツ田中 本八幡店)
Open Evening to night
Reservation Available
Credit card Available
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