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Keisei Okubo : Best cake shop in Chiba close to my home

Chocola de chocola etc, Le Patissier Yokoyama Keisei Okubo branch (Keisei Okubo) Cake shop

I can eat deligh Chocola de chocola at any time 🙂

There’s so popular cake shop close to my house named Le patissier Yokoyama. It might be the most popular cake shop in Chiba.
So, I can eat delicious treats at any time 😉
The shop have always a lot of people. Before Christmas, valentine’s day and some another events, the shop stricts people to enter the shop because there are so many people visit there.
The parking lot is always near fully packed.

I like Chocola de chocola (right) best and I always buy it when I go to there.
The left is coffee jelly and creamy tiramisu (The white thing is tube having whipped cream)

Chocola de chocola etc, Le Patissier Yokoyama Keisei Okubo branch (Keisei Okubo)


It is grateful that such a splendid cake shop is close to my home 🙂

About Le Patissier Yokoyama Keisei Okubo branch (ル・パティシエ ヨコヤマ 京成大久保店)

Address / 1-1-34 Okubo, Narashino-shi, Chiba
Station / Keisei Okubo station (Keisei Main Line)
Open / 10:00 – 19:30
Closed /Tuesdays
Website / http://p-yokoyama.jp/ (in japanese only)


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Cake shopChiba
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