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[Tokyo] Lunch course at Manten Sushi (まんてん鮨) in Hibiya OKUROJI


I remember Manten Sushi (まんてん鮨) served awesome sushi course at Marunouchi and I wanted to visit there again for a long time. But Marunouchi branch near Tokyo Station is not convenient for me and I didn’t have the chance to visit there again. But recently Hibiya branch was open. So, I visited Hibiya branch. Marunouchi and Hibiya is located similar. But it’s quite different for me as transport and I don’t like Tokyo station :p Hibiya branch is like cube.

A chef said to me, Hibiya branch is more comfort than Marunouchi and Nihonbashi branch because the intervals of seats are wider. They have counter seats and tables.

Hibiya branch is located in Hibiya OKUROJI. Hibiya OKUROJI is shopping complex along the under of railway between JR Yurakucho station and Shimbashi station. I remember it used to be ruin… But now such a nice complex is complete.

Manten sushi prepare Omakase (chef’s choice) course only.
Full course (Dinner, Saturdays and Sundays and national holidays’ lunchtime) – 6300 yen
Weekdays’ lunch – 3500 yen

Weekdays’ lunch course can’t be reserved in advance. If you want to reserve, they accept reservation of full course. So, even if you wait before the opening time to have lunch course, there’s a possibility of full with reservation at the opening time.

Full course can be reserved with Official Website.

I got to there 10 minutes before the opening time on weekday and fortunately I could secure seats with easily. I say before, you’d better have full course if you are foodie. Their lunch course is great and valuable. But I saw much seafood for full course only prepared in front of me. Oysters, black throat seaperch…those were my delight.

I ordered draft beer.

Draft beer (生ビール) 600 yen

At first, Shijimi clam soup was served. This white soup had abundant extract of shijimi clam. Awesome. Manten sushi serve it at first everytime.

Shijimi clam soup (しじみ汁)

This is Matsumae-zuke bowl. Herring roe, squid, konbu seaweed, salmon roe and vinegered rice. I

Matsumae-zuke don (松前漬け丼)

Sesame tofu. Manten sushi serve such a refreshments at a intervals of seafood.

Sesame tofu (ごま豆腐)

Meji maguro is young tuna. It had light tastes.

Meji maguro (メジマグロ)

Mekabu seaweed

Mekabu seaweed

I was surprised when I ate it last time at Marunouchi. Marinated enoki mushrooms with konbu. Enoki is crunchy mushroom. Its texture and flavor of konbu seaweed is good. It’s good as sushi.

Marinated enoki mushrooms with konbu (エノキの昆布〆にぎり)

This valuable lunch course had abalone (awabi) with its innards ! Wow ! It’s soft.

Abalone (Awabi / あわび)

Greater amberjack (kanpachi). It had springy texture.

Greater amberjack (kanpachi / かんぱち)

Spanish mackerel (Sawara). Its skin was grilled lightly and it’s flavorful.

Spanish mackerel (Sawara, 鰆)


Pickles (漬物)

Lean meat of tuna. But it’s fatty like toro. But it had the tastes of lean meat.

Lean meat of tuna (赤身)

Toro. Toro is fatty all the same.

Toro (トロ)

Chawanmushi with plum-vinegared sauce. Chawanmushi itself was seasoned lightly. The sour sauce went with the light chawanmushi.

Chawanmushi with plum-vinegared sauce (梅酢あんのかかった茶碗蒸し)

Sea urchin (Uni) on spoon. Gorgeous.

Sea urchin (Uni / うに)

Negitoro-maki is sushi roll with leftover meat of fresh spines of tuna. Manten Sushi’s negotoro-maki have diced onion. The onion add refreshing tastes to this fatty tuna. I like it.

Last, conger eel (Anago). It was grilled lightly. The sauce was sweet.

Conger eel (Anago)



Miso soup. It had so much shijimi clams ! They serve it everytime, too. I think those shijimi clams are used up to make soup stock. It’s tasteless. So, I don’t eat those clams :p

Miso soup with shijimi clam (しじみのみそ汁)

Last, dessert was served. Strawberry that time.

19 dishes were served in all. I think it’s really valuable and everything was good !


Name Manten Sushi Hibiya Okuroji (まんてん鮨 日比谷OKUROJI店)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for full course only
Credit card Available
URL Website / Instagram

Google Map

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