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Tsukiji: Sashimi Bowl Breakfast at Matakoiya Sohonten (又こい家 総本店) along Monzeki Street


I rarely have breakfast at shops along Monzeki Street because most of them have outdoor seating. It’s too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Also, I really dislike the smell of simmered pork innards in Summer. However, I had been curious about Matakoiya (又こい家 総本店) for a while, and I finally had the chance to visit.

Outside the shop, there’s a menu and a ticket vending machine. Every rice bowl comes with miso soup, and you can get a large serving of rice at no extra charge.

I ordered the Matakoi-don, which is named after the shop itself. I assumed this must be their signature dish. The bowl included slices of tuna, negitoro, and a quail egg.

Matakoidon (又こい丼) 1000 yen

Served with miso soup.

Unfortunately, the tuna was poorly thawed. I don’t mind frozen tuna, but this one seemed to have been defrosted improperly. The rice was also dry, which made me think the shop might struggle with food quality control. Monzeki Street can be a challenging location for maintaining freshness.

Since the shop doesn’t seem to have many customers in the morning, they might be holding onto ingredients for too long. I don’t think they can serve sashimi bowls in optimal condition, at least during breakfast hours.


Name Matakoiya Sohonten (又こい家 総本店)
Open Breakfast, Lunch
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
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