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Wagashi : Kudzukiri made by Minamoto kitchoan

kuzukiri2, Minamoto Kitchoan (Funabashi) Wagashi

Minamoto Kitchoan’s kuzukiri appeared this season, too !

kuzukiri1, Minamoto Kicchoan (Funabashi)


I have bought it every year. Minamoto Kitchoan‘s kuzukiri.
Summer season only.

So, I am aware of a fact that its package become more and more cheap-looking year by year.

If I’m not mistaken, its pipe was made of bamboo when I had bought it for the first time.
Then it was made of plastic. At last, its package is plastic bag this year.

Of cource it tastes very good as before :).

And, the plastic bag have cooler appearance than paper box.

Pushing out…

kuzukiri2, Minamoto Kicchoan (Funabashi)


Putting a dark molasses on.

kuzukiri3, Minamoto Kicchoan (Funabashi)


This dark molasses is very good. It is not too sweet and it isn’t heavy.
Eating cool foods such as kudzukiri with dark molasses, I feel I don’t hate midsummer heat so much :D.

There’re many branches of Minamoto Kicchoan. Most of department store like Mitsukoshi and Seibu have the branch 🙂

About Minamoto Kitchoan Funabashi Seibu branch (源吉兆庵 船橋西武店)

Address / Funabashi Seibu B1F, 1-2-1, Honcho, Funabashi-shi, Chiba
Open / from 11:00 – 20:00
Closed / no scheduled


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