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[Osaka] Naniwa French BEGIN (なにわフレンチ びぎん) in Namba


We had dinner here first night of our trip to Osaka.
We had dinner at Naniwa French Begin (なにわフレンチ びぎん) at first night of our trip in Osaka. We visited there after one year absence. They are French dishes restaurant but recommend to use chopsticks.

We were four that day and ordered chef’s choice. I ordered Yuzu and cassis. Sweet and sour just a little.

Yuzu and cassis (ゆずカシス)

First, firstborn egg with consomme jelly was served ! I ate it last year, too. The consomme jelly was really good !

firstborn egg with consomme jelly (初産み卵とコンソメゼリー)

Carpaccio with Common lentjan and sea bass. Well-aged fishes. Good.

Carpaccio with Common lentjan and sea bass (フエフキダイとスズキのカルパッチョ)

Octopus from Akashi being cooked like escargot. Those octopus was springy ! I soaked my bread into the garlic oil to the limit …

Octopus from Akashi being cooked like escargot (明石蛸のエスカルゴ風)

And I had red wine in a glass. Glass wine could be chosen from two.

Glass of red wine (赤ワイングラス)

Sauted foire gras from Hungry. This foire gras is to die for ! The blue berry sauce unexpectedly went with foire gras. And white asparagus was thick nd good.

Sauted foire gras from Hungary (ハンガリー産フォアグラのソテー)

Our Mixed salad was served on one dish ! Tomato, Aralia Sprout, coriander, lettuce and so on… !

Mixed salad (ミックスサラダ)

Last, Ezo deer hamburger steak.

Ezo deer hamburger steak (蝦夷鹿のハンバーグステーキ)

Dessert came. Brown sugar from Tarama in Miyako island and firstborn egg pudding. It had rich texture of egg.

Brown sugar from Tarama in Miyako Island and firstborn egg pudding (宮古島多良間産の黒糖と初産み卵のプリン)

Begin’s foods were splendid that time, too and the dinner was fun !


Name Naniwa French Begin (なにわフレンチびぎん)
Open Dinner
Reservation Available
Credit card Unavailable
URL Website, Instagram

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