I ate soup curry at Nenrin (年輪) in Tsukishima at lunchtime during work after a long absence. Nenrin is a izakaya having Hokkaido local foods, and they serve soup curry at lunchtime.

There remains such old houses and buildings at the back of the main street in Tsukishima. Of course, inside the house was renovated and clean. There are counter seats and some tables in the shop.
Menu is outside, too.

They serve soup curry only at lunchtime.

1.They have six soup curries.
Chicken and vegetables soup curry \1180
Half of chicken and vegetables soup curry \980
Boiled pork called “Kakuni” and vegetables soup curry \1180
Thickly sliced bacons and vegetables soup curry \1180
Chicken, boiled pork and vegetables soup curry \1280
14 kinds of vegetables soup curry \980
At first, you choose your soup curry from above.
2. choose soup from Normal (レギュラー), mild(マイルド) and Shrimp broth(海老出汁). Shrimp broth is limited quantity.
If you want to have shrimp broth, you should come there before noon.
3. And then, you choose the level of spiciness between 1 to 5. 5 is the most spicy (+100 yen).
4. After that you decide the amount of rice from Small (小盛), Medium (中盛), Large (大盛, +100 yen) and Extra large (特盛, +200 yen).
5. Last, you add any toppings if you want.
(Cheese 100 yen, natto 100 yen, egg 100 yen, Zangi that is similar to karaage 250 yen, chicken 300 yen, bacon 300 yen, kakuni 300 yen and croquette 200 yen)
I chose thickly sliced bacon and vegetables soup curry. With normal soup.

Those bacons are not thick. But those are fatty and tasty. There were many kinds of vegetables ! Paprika, pumpkin, mizuna, potato, eggplant, young corn, onion and so on. Nutritious !
I chose level 4. It was enough spicy for me. I chose level 3 last time and I wasn’t satisfied with the spiciness. This was the best spiciness for me.

Name Nenrin (年輪)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Unavailable
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