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Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Last breakfast at Tsukiji 2015 in Odayasu (小田保)


Tsukiji Market finished this year’s business today. Do you remember ? Tsukiji Market will closed in November 2016 and Toyosu market will be open instead of Tsukiji. I need to go Tsukiji Market so frequently. Market is so busy at the end of the year, but I went to there and had breakfast at Odayasu (小田保).

I ordered boiled nametagarei in soy sauce from the whiteboard menus. Nametagarei is a kind of flatfish. This fish look like slime. But the tastes is awesome. Its skin, its meat and…

Boiled nametagarei in soy sauce (ナメタガレイ煮付け) 800 yen

eggs. So much eggs.

I ordered the fish with rice set, but rice set wasn’t served, so I tried not to stimulate the short temper lady and ordered rice set again as I ordered it for the first time 😛

Rice set (ごはんセット) 350 yen

Everything is ok if I can save my peaceful breakfast 🙂 Odayasu seldom serve boiled fish. The flatfish had much eggs. The broth was sour just a little and it tasted like Chinese soup. This broth wasn’t too thick, and seasoned lightly. I like it. But it was far better if the nametagarei itself have better quality.

There were much smells of deep fried foods and sauted with butter around me while eating, and I felt like coming and eating them again within 2015. Speaking of Odayasu, deep fried foods and sauted with butter was great all the same !

Toyosu is inconvenient for my transportation and I thought I cannot go to there , but I want to try there all the same. So now I am seeking the best way to Toyosu 🙂


Name Odayasu (小田保)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

Google Map (Current location in Toyosu Market)

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  1. > wasn’t served

    Sometimes me too!
    But I feel it’s a funny entertainment in Odayasu.

    • Ryoko says:

      Happy new year ! 🙂

  2. renxkyoko says:

    Happy New Year ! Cheers

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