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Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Sanma as sashimi and fry at Odayasu (小田保)


I enjoyed breakfast at Yonehana after a month absence, and I went to Odayasu (小田保) next week of that. It was about one month absence, too.

My target was, of course, sanma. Sanma is saury in English. Sanma is Autumn fish and the word “sanma” is on the temporarily whiteboard menu. I checked the menu in advance on twitter and went into the shop.

This deep fried sanma have one saury without its backbone and head. It had potato salad and shredded cabbage under the saury. It was larger than expected.

Deep fried sanma (さんまフライ) 800 yen

So fatty sanma !!! Though it was large, I ate it up soon ! Sanma is MUST. You need to eat if you visit Japan in Autumn 🙂

I ordered it, too. Sanma sashimi. It was served its head and backbone. It took much time to be served and it was fresh. I think it was cut after I ordered.

Sanma sashimi (さんま刺身) 800 yen

Deep fried sanma, sanma sashimi, rice and soup was too much for my breakfast. But sanma season is not long. Of course, frozen sanma is eaten all year around. But fresh sanma can be eaten this short season only. So, I have no time to hesitate ! I have to eat more sanma before the season ends.


Name Odayasu (小田保)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

Google Map (Current location in Toyosu Market)

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