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[Nara] Okadera temple (岡寺) in Autumn

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When I walked to Ishibutai Tumulus, I found the sign “Okadera temple” along the road, and I tried to go there. But unexpectedly there are many steep slopes. If I knew I never went to there. Also I thought to give up with the temple again and again. But finally I reached the temple. I got to the gate of Okadera temple (岡寺). This is Nio-mon gate.

Three-storied pagoda. This temple was founded in 663. And they are the 7th temple of the 33 Saikoku Kannon Pilgrimage in the western part of Japan.

The view from in front of the three-storied pagoda. The picture shows you so steep slope it was.

Bell tower. Of course, I rang the bell and I made my wish here, too.

I was satisfied with such a view. I had not labored in vain. This was the most beautiful sight with autumn leaves in the year 🙂

Fallen leaves were nice , too.


Name Okadera temple (岡寺)
Open 24 hours
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