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Closed – [Tokyo] Ore no Italian (俺のイタリアン) in Yaesu


Now, one of the most popular restaurant and the most difficult to reserve restaurant in Japan is the restaurants that have “ore (“I” in English used by males)” in their names, I think. Ore no Italian (俺のイタリアン) in Yaesu is one of the restaurant.

Another, Ore no French, Ore no Kappou (Japanese cuisine), Ore no Yakitori ….
My friend made a telephone call again and again and reserved our seats. Thank goodness ! We heard that the restaurant have good chefs who trained in Italy and serve dishes at a low price.

We got to the restaurant 5 minutes before the opening time, and after a few minutes, the waiter got out of the restaurant and said hello to the guests and explained their rule. It seems an entertainment park.

After we entered into the restaurant and seated, the waiter also explained the rules in detail. He said to us that they prepare so valuable dishes that are limited in quantity and he took orders that time.

Everyone raised their hands as every orders. They never saw those prices 😛 Us, too. Four groups wanted to eat the lobster dishes that the restaurant prepared only 3 and we tossed for it. And our group lost. But I saw the menu and found its price after that, and I found it was more more expensive than I had thought, and I was relieved in secret 😛

At first, we ordered a drink. My drink was sparkling wine. The waiter filled me a glass like this ! Wooow !

Lambrusco Dolce Rosato (ランブルスコ ドルチェ ロザート) 600 yen

Parmigiano Reggiano. To tell the truth, I ate more than 1/3 of it 😛

Parmigiano Reggiano (パルミジャーノ・レッジャーノ) 300 yen as a cover charge

Scallop carpaccio. Gorgeous !  Dried mullet roe is replacement of gold, salmon roe is replacement of rubby … ? It looks like jewely. Of course, its taste was good !

Scallop carpaccio(ホタテのカルパッチョ) 980 yen

Grilled green asparagus with uncured ham. Uncured ham was goooood 😀

Grilled green asparagus with uncured ham (グリーンアスパラガスのグリル) 580 yen

Fresh abalone and foie gras poele. Two luxury foodstuffs together! The foie gras was tasty, but I couldn’t find the taste of the abalone. It didn’t have any presence 😛

Fresh abalone and foie gras poele(活アワビとフォアグラのポワレ) 1980 yen

And, we ordered a bottled wine.

Bourgogne Pinot Noir [2011] Frederic Magnien 3939 yen

Beef loin rib steak with sherry and vinegar sauce. So huge meat came ! This was my best in all dishes that I ate that day ! This vinegared sauce was good 😀

Beef loin rib steak with sherry and vinegar sauce (牛リブロースステーキ シェリービネガーソース) 1580 yen

Red sea bream acqua pazza. The dried tomato was good. It had lightly sourness. And the soup had its sourness and the taste of the sea bream and asari clam. We drunk up the soup 😀

Red sea bream acqua pazza (真鯛のアクアパッツァ) 1380 yen

Soft roe fritters. Soft roe ! It’s my delight. Its coating was crisp but inside was melting.

Soft roe fritters (白子のフリット) 980 yen

Premium pizza Margherita. I don’t need my pizza any ingredients except cheese and tomato. So, Margherita is my best favorite pizza ! This pizza had so juicy tomatoes ! Awesome.

Premium pizza Margherita (プレミアムマルゲリータ) 980 yen

Spaghetti with matsutake mushroom and snow crab from Hokkaido. Not bad. But I couldn’t find the tastes of snow crab at all. I might not have a taste buds 😛

Spaghetti with matsutake mushroom and snow crab from Hokkaido (松茸と北海道産ズワイガニのスパゲティ) 1480 yen

Spaghetti with caviar and Pandalus borealis. Those shrimps were sticky texture and good.

Spaghetti with caviar and Pandalus borealis (キャビアと甘海老のスパゲティ) 1380 yen


Tiramisu (ティラミス) 350 yen

Affogato. Tiramisu and affogato is similar in those tastes together, but the tiramisu was so soft and it had lots of taste of cheese, and the affogato was bitter due to the espresso. But its bitterness went with the vanilla ice cream very well 🙂

Affogato (アフォガード) 450 yen

Especially, I was impressed by the tastes of steak ! I want to eat it again. We’ll go to “Ore-no-French” this month. I’m looking forward to it much.


Name Ore no Italian Yaesu (俺のイタリアン 八重洲店)
Open Dinner
Reservation Available (better)
Credit card Available
URL Website

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  1. Mitzie Mee says:

    Sounds like a funny place. Each time I visit Japan, I am so impressed by the Italian restaurants. They are usually very good:)

  2. Ryoko says:

    Sorry, but I couldn’t connect on the internet (>_<)
    Japanese love long narrow foods 😀
    So, Italian that have spaghetti is very popular and there are so large number of Italian foods restaurants.

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