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[Ginza] Parfait at Pierre Marcolini cafe (ピエール・マルコリーニカフェ)


Finally, I ate parfait at Pierre Marcolini cafe in Ginza ! I always gave up eating at the cafe because the cafe is so crowded especially on weekends.

Pierre Marcolini Cafe in Ginza

There’s a chocolate shop on the 1F. The cafe is upstairs. Chocolate-colored menu book.

Menu is chocolate-color !

I was very glad to come here !

I ordered this limited parfait. Marcolini Lemon Parfait. Lemon peer was refreshingly cool ! And chocolate ice cream had rich flavor. Though lemon was good, I wanted to eat more chocolate flavored things.

Marcolini Lemon Parfait (マルコリーニレモンパフェ) 1575 yen

My friend ordered this standard parfait. Many people who order parfait might order it. Marcolini Chocolate parfait.

Marcolini Chocolate Parfait (マルコリーニチョコレートパフェ) 1680 yen

I think this is the best parfait taste Marcolini’s chocolate flavor to the hearts’ content. I want to eat it next time.


Name Pierre Marcolini Ginza Cafe (ピエールマルコリーニ銀座 カフェ)
Open Day through night
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Available
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