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(Moved) Tsukiji Market: Delicious Fried Duck and Mantis Shrimp at Yonehana (米花)


It’s been about four months since I last visited Yonehana (米花). Due to the cold weather, I’ve been finding it hard to wake up early in the morning, which meant I couldn’t make it to Tsukiji for breakfast. But I was determined to visit Yonehana before the end of 2017. So, I managed to wake up early this time!

Appearance, Yonehana (Tsukiji Market)

On that day, the chef’s special was fried duck meat with green onions, flavored with sansho pepper.

While their seafood is always great, I also really enjoy their duck and chicken dishes. 🙂

In Japan, there’s a saying:
“A duck that came carrying green onions”
This phrase refers to a naive person who is easily deceived. Although it has that meaning, it certainly fit the situation! :p

They also served pickled daikon radish, mantis shrimp, and Chinese mustard. A nutritious combination!

Tsukiji is already bustling with people as the winter holiday season approaches, and many are shopping for the New Year. As a result, it’s hard to enjoy a peaceful lunch there during work hours because of the long lines. Yesterday, I visited Kashigashira but had to give up as there were about 10 people waiting.


Name Yonehana (米花)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

Google Map (Current location in Toyosu Market)

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