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[Toyosu Market] Coffee break at Senriken (センリ軒)


Senriken (センリ軒) was an old cafe since 1914 having long-established atmosphere in former Tsukiji Market and many regular customers gathered there. Then they moved to Toyosu. And they became such a cozy cafe !

Senriken is located on the 3rd floor of Suisan Nakaoroshi Uriba bldg. As soon as you open the door on the side of Shijomae station, you can find on the left. There’re tables having two or four seats. Also they have counter seats, those are used by regular customers mainly who want to talk with staffs.

Drinks and dessert menu. Basically nothing has changed about their foods and drinks. But this menu is cute. They have English menu, too.

Foods menu. Sandwich, toast and creamy stew. Their creamy stew is popular. Senriken prepare many foods.

If all tables are occupied, we can get those foods to go and eat them at Toyosu Gururi park. Toyosu Gururi Park have benches.

Their Milco soft serve is MUST. It’s milk coffee soft serve. Its name have “coffee”, but it’s very mild and it don’t have any bitterness. I think children love it, too. We can get it to go, too (390 yen). But if we order “for here”, they put soft serve on the glass and put cone on it like this.

Milco soft serve (ミルコーソフトクリーム) 450 yen

I like their pudding since former Tsukiji Market. It have abundant flavor of egg. The flavor of caramel sauce is awesome. Both pudding and caramel sauce isn’t too sweet. I always want to have second helping. There’s pudding and vanilla (プリン&バニラ, 600 yen) on the menu. It’s this pudding and vanilla ice cream.

pudding (プリン) 250 yen

Because they are cafe, their hot coffee is good, too. It have refreshing tastes. I haven’t tried, but I think putting milco soft serve into the coffee must be delicious.

hot coffee (ホットコーヒー) 420 yen

Cream soda is one of standard drink at Japanese cafe (kissaten). Of course, they serve it. Though it have vanilla ice cream, bubbles covered it when I tried to pick out the spoon :p

Cream soda (クリームソーダ) 650 yen


Name Senriken (センリ軒)
Open Morning to noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
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