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Closed – [Minowa] Top quality yakiniku at Shichirin (七厘)


Notice : Sumibi-Yakiniku Shichirin already quit their business because of the town redevelopment. They moved to Ichigaya and opened “Sumibi-Yakiniku Nakahara” .

I went to Minowa to eat yakiniku at Shichirin (七厘) half a month before. Shichirin have high reputation as rare beef meats.

Shichirin means charcoal grilling facility. Mostly small like this. Their old house is not good to use grilling facility. It’s so smoky. But still we gathered for awesome yakiniku.

We ordered course, beef tongue, assorted kimchi, yukhoejang soup, eggs soup and leftover pieces of white meats that time.

Great meat came from the start. But this needs extra charge.
At first, beef tongue was served. Its name is “Maboroshi no tan”. It means transient beef tongue. We were seven. So, it’s seven portions.

Beef tongue (まぼろしのタン)

We started to grill soon.

This is mine.


Fillet (ヒレ) included in course


Sirloin (サーロイン) included in course

We had to be careful about putting 3 slices of meats on a grill, or it was going to overflow !

Excellent chuck rib.

Excellent chuck rib (特上三角)

While grilling, our meats were served in order and our table was entirely occupied.

Leftover pieces of meats. 7 portions. It can be ordered who order course in advance. It’s very valuable dish.

Leftover pieces of meat (切り落とし肉)

My friend made yakiniku beef bowl by himself ! It looks delicious ! I didn’t have enough space to eat such a big bowl in my stomach though :p

We found the word “Corned beef (コンビーフ)”, and asked the staff.

And he gave us to taste. Umm. It’s too fatty. My chopsticks after eating yakiniku melted its oil rapidly. I couldn’t hold the slice of corned beef by my chopsticks well. I think it’s not good to eat as it is and good to cook with something.

Last, dessert was served. Almond jelly. Blueberry sauce went with almond jelly unexpectedly. It was good. But want to eat it without the sauce all the same. This almond jelly itself had strong and good taste.

Almond jelly (杏仁豆腐) included in course

Blands of sake name on discolored papers on the wall.

Though it was so smoky, we were satisfied with those excellent beef !


Name Shichirin (七厘)
Open Dinner
Reservation Required
Credit card Unavailable
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  1. Yakiniku, Shichirin (Minowa) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Shichirin(七厘) Past post is here –> 20/09/2012 Shichirin, yakiniku (Minowa) […]

  2. Rare beefmeats yakiniku (Minowa) | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] Past articles about Shichirin * Sep 30th, 2012 Shichirin, yakiniku (Minowa) […]

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