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[Funabashi] Beef meat at Shoutaian HANARE (将泰庵はなれ)


I’m starving for meat ! Yakiniku, steak, tonkatsu ! But I’m getting dental treatment now and I can’t bite thick meat. So, I went to Shoutaian Hanare (将泰庵 はなれ) in Funabashi for lunch. They are located close to my dentist. They are yakiniku restaurant and I couldn’t eat yakiniku yet.

I ate it at the restaurant. Wagyu beef “Namerou” set. It seems a hamburger steak on the rice from its appearance.

Wagyu beef “Namerou” set (和牛なめろう御膳) 1400 yen

It is very familiar to us in Chiba and many izakaya serve namerou. And recently it became popular in Tokyo, too. Some of izakaya and seafood restaurants cook it. Originally, Namerou is fishermen’s cooking around Boso Peninsula of Chiba. Fishermen cook their very fresh fishes (mostly horse mackerel, saury, sardine) with miso and green onions and eat on their ships.

But, I said now they are yakiniku restaurant. No matter how I love fishes, I would get angry if they serve fishes in there. Don’t worry about that. Of course, this “namerou” had beef meat. Mixed wagyu meat and miso sauce. Its inside was very rare. It was almost raw. Maybe, if there’s not a bad law, they would serve the meat as raw.

What is Bad law ? Eating beef meat as raw was practically prohibited by law a few years ago.
Some peaople dead because of O157:H7 at cheap izakaya and after that Serving beef meat as raw has been punished more strictly. This namerou was seasoned stronger. At first, I ate it as it is. It went with rice very well.

I ate half of it and then I put separated soup into the bowl and ate it as o-chazuke.

The soup made it better. Strong miso paste, the fat of the beef meat and the soup was mixed altogether. I think this namerou is seasoned stronger because it is best as o-chazuke. It was very tasty. But I should have eaten one third of it as it was and the remaining should be eaten as o-chazuke. Though the soup wasn’t hot, still the surfaces were cooked. And that was good, too.

This set have appetizer, salad and soup, too.

Beef tail soup.

This is my friend’s yakiniku bowl. Vinegared rice was used. Using vinegared rice with meat is not common. I think plain rice is better for the beef meats.

Grilled wagyubeef set (和牛炙り御膳) 1400 yen

We didn’t need the full of their challenger’s spirit 😛


Name Shoutaian Hanare (将泰庵はなれ)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available (Tabelog, Hot pepper)
Credit card Available
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