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[Tsukiji] Valuable lunch at Sushitomi (すし富) on weekdays


High-populated sushi restaurants in Tsukiji have always a long line. There’s a sushi restaurant named Sushitomi (すし富) in Tsuiji. Because they are located at a distant from the center of Tsukiji, they always don’t have a long line. But they are managed by a wholesalers of tuna “Suzutomi (鈴富)” and they serve good tuna and so on.

They have only counter seats on the ground floor, but they have upstairs and there’re tables. I always go there around 11 a.m. on weekdays, and they have always many vacant seats.

They have valuable lunch menu on weekdays only until 3 p.m. except national holidays. So, I always go there on weekdays during work.

Weekdays’ lunch menu
1 portion of sushi set (にぎり1人前 990 yen),
1.5 portion of sushi set (にぎり1.5人前 1430 yen)
Temaki roll set (手巻きセット 990 yen)
Sashimi bowl (海鮮丼 990 yen)
Tekka bowl (Tuna bowl / 鉄火丼 990 yen)
Marinated leftover tuna fresh bowl (鮪切り落としづけ丼 770 yen)
Miso soup included.

The most inexpensive sushi set is Ume (梅, 1980 yen) on regular menu. So, Weekdays’ lunch is valuable. But they serve different tuna. Basically, they use Southern bluefin tuna for weekdays’ lunch and another they use Pacific bluefin tuna. Southern bluefin tuna is more inexpensive than Pacific bluefin tuna.

This is the most inexpensive food at Sushitomi. Marinated leftover tuna fresh bowl. It have much Southern bluefin tuna. It’s fresh. valuable lunch. But the tuna was seasoned with sweet sauce. I think some people don’t like this sweet sauce.

Marinated leftover tuna fresh bowl (まぐろ切り落とし漬け丼) 770 yen

Of course, their sushi is good. 1.5 portion of sushi set have 10 pieces of sushi and sushi roll. I was glad that such a valuable set have salmon roe.

Those sushi is rather small. So, I think it’s one portion. I think people who want to eat much won’t be satisfied with the amount. Sashimi bowl is better for them. Those seafood was fresh. Especially, tuna was good.

1.5 portion of sushi set (にぎり1.5人前) 1430 yen

Their lunch time is from 10:30 a.m., so it’s good for late breakfast.


Name Sushitomi (すし富)
Open Lunch through dinner
Credit card Unavailable for weekdays’ lunch
Reservation Unavailable for weekdays’ lunch
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  1. Ryoko says:

    I am so happy to work near Tsukiji :->

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