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Moved – [Roppongi] Farewell Sushi Yu (鮨由う) in Roppongi


Sushi Yu (鮨由う) close this November 25 in Roppongi because they move to Ginza. So, this was the last visit to Sushi Yu Roppongi ! So, I took some photos outside.

I visited there regularly from 2017 with my friends. We always visited large group and enjoyed chatting with the chef and eating his awesome sushi. Also the last time, too. They will open from December 14 in Ginza.

Nothing has changed even though this was the last dinner in Roppongi. Our dinner started from this three dishes and drink as usual. Mineoka dofu, mozuku seaweed and wakame… ? Umm ? They quit serving free refills of wakame seaweed because some guests eat wakame too much and they can’t eat up another dishes :p

Ohitashi was served instead. It’s Autumn. So, it have some mushrooms. Golden oyster mushroom, white maitake mushroom and Yanagi maitake mushroom.

And hirame (flounder) and shimaaji (striped jack) in Japanese sake.

Eel from Mikawa of Shizuoka.

Matsutake and soft-shelled turtle soup.

And the time of photo. Purin-maki. Purin-maki is sushi roll having rice dressed with monkfish liver pastes.

With cucumber.

Hatoshi. Hatoshi is a croquette.

And I ordered Japanese sake. Hiyaoroshi of Senkin. Dragonfly 🙂

Abalone. Awesome. I didn’t hear what the chef saying about another foods because I was focusing on eating it and I asked him again :p

And then gari (ginger pickles) was served and it is the sign of sushi time. At first, kasuto (young red sea bream).


Fresh salmon roe

Spanish mackerel. The sauce is ponzu. And grated daikon radish.

Minatoku-maki. That day’s crab was sekogani (seikogani). It’s female crab caught in Fukui in November. By the way, this name don’t change even they move to Chuo ward :p

Tuna was from Shiogama of Miyagi prefecture. Lean meat and toro.

Young gizzard shad

Kuruma prawn excluded in the course. I couldn’t eat in one bite. Huge 🙂

Conger eel



Fukumaki. Finished.

We are looking forward to visiting new Sushi Yu in Ginza. The chef said that they don’t change the price in one year. Now price of the course is 27500 yen. Check the chef’s instagram to know about their new restaurant.


Name Sushi Yu (鮨由う)
Open Dinner
Reservation Essential
Credit card Available
URL Instagram

Google Map (Current location)

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