Nihonbashi / 日本橋


[Tokyo] Tonkotsu ramen at Masutani Ramen (ますたにラーメン) in Nihonbashi

Masutani Ramen (ますたにラーメン) is a goodwill partner of Masutani close to Ginkakuji temple in Kyoto and they are very popula...

[Tokyo] Zeitakudon at Tsujihan Nihonbashi (日本橋海鮮丼 つじ半 日本橋本店)

Tsujihan's gorgeous sashimi bowl is great. It's like a mountain of sashimi. At first, we eat it as it is, and then we pour soup stock into the bowl and eat as chazuke. They offer double delicious.

[Tokyo] Kakifurai at Hokkaido Akkeshi Nihonbashi (北海道厚岸 日本橋本店) in Nihonbashi

Mostly kakifurai (Deep fried oysters) is served from October to April. But some restaurants serve kakifurai all year ar...

Nihonbashi : Historical architectures

I went to Nihonbahshi I have something to do at there. I took a little detour. Nihonbashi post office is the birthpl...
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