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Shilin Night Market: Grilled King Oyster Mushrooms at 燒烤杏鮑菇 in Taipei


I heard about a grilled king oyster mushroom stall at Taipei’s Shilin Night Market that always has a long line, so I decided to check it out. The stall is called 燒烤杏鮑菇. Apparently, Taiwanese people love king oyster mushrooms, and when I arrived, I found many locals waiting in line.

It’s about a 10-minute walk from Shilin Station, near Shilin Cixian Temple. Many people sit around the temple to enjoy their food since there are trash bins available nearby.

The name of the shop, “杏鮑菇,” means king oyster mushrooms, and true to its name, that’s the only thing they serve. The showcase is packed with fresh, thick mushrooms waiting to be grilled.

On the grill, the mushrooms are constantly being cooked. A plate (240g) costs 100 NTD. The mushrooms are first grilled plain, then brushed with sauce, grilled again, and finally sliced and served. The aroma of the sauce as it sizzles on the grill is irresistible.

Even though the night market wasn’t very crowded that day, about 30 people were lined up at this stall. I thought the line would move quickly since they only sell one item, but the process is surprisingly slow. Each thick mushroom is grilled carefully, sliced methodically, and plated with care.

Here’s a video of the grilling process:

You can select two flavors per plate from nine options: Wasabi, Spicy, Pepper, Lemon Salt, Seaweed, Cumin, Black Pepper, Curry, and Rose Salt.

Here’s my plate of grilled king oyster mushrooms—240g measured precisely. These organic mushrooms are juicy and crisp, grown in Taiwan. On the left is Lemon Salt (檸檬味), and on the right is Spicy (香辣味).

The mushrooms themselves were delicious, but the lemon juice and chili were applied generously, making the flavors overwhelmingly sour and spicy. Halfway through, I couldn’t taste the mushroom anymore.

If you want to enjoy the mushrooms’ natural flavor, I recommend asking for a lighter seasoning. Also, since the two chosen flavors are sprinkled over the plate at the end, the middle section tends to mix together, and the lemon flavor, being liquid, spreads evenly underneath. It’s a good idea to choose flavors that would still taste great when combined.


Name 燒烤杏鮑菇
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