I visited Tenfusa (天房) in Tsukiji market after a long long absence because of my delight food. Tenfusa is one of my favorite breakfast spot in Tsukiji, but I didn’t go there so often. The reason is … well, tempura is, all the same, too heavy for breakfast.

But I visited there that morning to eat it. Assorted Tendon (Tempura bowl). Their tendon have seasonal ingredients. Now is Spring. Spring is a season of young ayu (ayu = sweet fish) ! Yes, my delight is (young) ayu ! They show ingredients of tendon of the day at the window every day. So, we can make the decision of our breakfast with this paper. That day’s tendon had shrimp, squid, sillaginoid, young ayu(稚あゆ) and shiba shrimp.

Another menus. That’s all. They don’t prepare English menus.

Of course, I ordered assorted tendon. All “Tendon” don’t have miso soup. So, if you need, you have to order it separately.

This is tendon that I have wanted to have for a long time. Though it’s too heavy for breakfast, I couldn’t help having it.

Long time no see. About one year absence since I met him last. Its innards are bitter, its meat is sweet and flavory, and its coat is crisp. Though it’s too small, it’s a great fish. I wanted to have 10 or 20 or more young ayu :p

Their miso soup mostly have shijimi clam.

I think they serve young ayu until July.
Name Tenfusa (天房)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
Google Map (Current location in Toyosu Market)