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Moved – [Tsukiji Market] Tenfusa (天房) started to serving young ayu !


Ayu season has set in. So, I went to Tenfusa (天房) in Tsukiji Market to eat young ayu tempura before work. But I couldn’t know whether Tenfusa serve young ayu or not the day until I reached there. I felt ill at ease….

Fortunately I found the word “稚鮎 (Young ayu)” on the today’s menu.

I ordered tuna sashimi set. It have tuna sashimi, assorted tempura, miso soup and pickles. Of course, rice, too. Here’s Tsukiji, so Tenfusa serve good tuna sashimi, too.

Tuna sashimi set (まぐろ定食) 1000 yen

I visited there with my friend, so we shared those tempura. Ginpo (Tidepool gunnel), young ayu (sweetfish) and scallop. Ginpo tasted similar conger eel.

Young ayu (稚鮎天 / 400 yen), Ginpo (銀宝天 / 400 yen), scallop (ホタテ天 / 400 yen)

And this is the young ayu. Young ayu is small, so we can eat everything. Its head was bitter and the meat was soft. Last year I ate it for the first time and I was very impressed by the tastes. This small fish have much tastes.


Name Tenfusa (天房)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

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  1. […] Young ayu, scallop and tidepool gunnel tempura, Tsukiji Market (raipohangaround.wordpress.com) […]

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