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[Osaka] Inexpensive udon at Temmasa (天政) in Namba


Temmasa (天政) is a udon and soba shop that have counter seats only located at the center of Namba area. My friend who is a foodie love this shop and whenever he visits Osaka, he eats something at this shop. So, I visited there. And I found their udon is actually delicious. Since then I drop in at the shop without fail when I visit Osaka, too 🙂 The signboard says “Inexpensive, Quick and Delicious”. It’s right.

“コ”-shaped counter table surrounds kitchen. They serve udon and soba quickly. Menu. The most inexpensive food is simple udon and soba cost 220 yen ! We can add ingredients, for example, egg, tempura and so on. After you enter the shop, be seated somewhere and order, and pay. After a while, your foods are complete.


Kizami Udon is my friend’s recommendation. Kizami means “cut” in English. The surface of soup is covered with shredded deep fried tofu and green onions. It don’t have much udon, so, it’s good for light breakfast and snacks. To tell the truth, I don’t like the texture of deep fried tofu, but this deep fried tofu had plenty of soup and it was tasty.

Kizami udon (きざみうどん) 270 yen

It had springy texture. Soft. It went down my throat smoothly. I put some shichimi pepper on it. Delicious.

I love their curry udon. It’s the most expensive udon next to Niku udon (meat udon, 430 yen). As a whole, I rarely order curry udon that is eaten at udon restaurant and soba restaurant because it’s always sweet. But this isn’t sweet at all. Very spicy ! And this springy udon go with this spicy soup very well ! I always drink it up !

Curry udon (カレーうどん) 370 yen

If you like spicy curry udon, try it ! (It’s not extremely spicy) Of course, their udon is tasty, but also I recommend this kayaku gohan. Kayaku gohan is “boiled rice mixed with vegetables and meat” . The rice was soft and sticky texture a bit. And this seasoning is awesome. I think their basic soup stock that is used for both kayaku gohan and udon is awesome. But it’s too much for me to eat it up with udon and soba.

Kayaku gohan (かやく御飯) 190 yen

So, I rarely eat it in the shop. I always buy it “to go”. Its price is as same as “for here”. Sometimes I eat udon in the shop and buy kayaku gohan to go, but another I just buy kayaku gohan “to go” without eating in the shop at all.

Tenmasa is open from 7 a.m. to 0 a.m. So, you can use this shop at anytime, breakfast, lunch and dinner. If your accommodation don’t serve breakfast, I recommend this shop. Their light and mild tastes of udon is suitable for breakfast.

Tenmasa used to be unfriendly to tourists (from both inside and outside of Japan) a few years ago. But recently they became pleasant. And more, Tenmasa became globalized ! They have menu having English, Chinese and Korean words ! It’s because of such many tourists from abroad coming ?


Name Tenmasa (天政)
Open Morning through midnight
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

Google Map


  1. Mitzie Mee says:

    So inexpensive! Ad it looks tasty too:)

    • Ryoko says:

      I have never met such a tasty udon at such a lower price in Tokyo !
      I understood why my acquaintance who is foodie like this shop 🙂

  2. Osaka (mainly)Food Tours 2014 (12/15) – Fresh fruits cafe | Viva Japanesque. says:

    […] ← Osaka (mainly)Food Tours 2014 (11/15) – Thick and hearty udon Osaka (mainly)Food Tours 2014 (13/15) – Tenmasa → […]

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