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[Tokyo] Vietnamese dishes at ‘THI THI’ in Kamata


We had dinner at THI THI in Kamata the other day. We heard that they will be featured by so popular Japanese TV series ‘Kodoku no Gurume (孤独のグルメ)’. So, we wanted to go there before that.

We drunk Biere Larue. I haven’t seen this beer ever. It’s vietnamese beer.

Biere Larue (ラルービール) 540 yen

To put it nicely, it is easy to drink. But in other words, it is weak. And sweet just a little.
I don’t like beer very much, so it was good for me, but my friend who love beer wasn’t satisfied enough with it and he ordered Kirin beer after finished it.

Anyway, we ordered summer roll at first. It’s the most popular Vietnamese foods. Summer roll with shrimps.

Summer roll with shrimps (えびの生春巻き) 648 yen

And then rice paper came. What is it for ?

Rice paper

The rice paper is for it. Vietnamese spring roll and shrimp balls set. At first, we wet our rice paper with water in a sprayer and after it got softer, we put some ingredients what we want on the rice paper, then wrap it and ate.

Vietnamese spring roll and shrimp balls set (揚げ春巻きと海老団子のコンボ) 1944 yen

The spring roll was good. It had much meats. But rice paper was hard to get softer only spraying water. And it took time. I wish they bring it with the state of complete.

And Bánh xèo. I learned Bánh xèo is similar to Okonomiyaki, but it was like omelet. Lots of soybean sprouts and leeks were sandwiched.

Bánh xèo (バインセオ) 1350 yen

Spare rib. It had strong tastes, but it wasn’t too sweet and the meat was tasty.

Spare rib (スペアリブ) 918 yen

Rice vermicelli wtih lemon grass.

Vermicelli wtih lemon grass (レモングラスのビーフン) 918 yen

Pho with beef

Pho with beef (牛肉のフォー) 918 yen

We love rice. We love noodles. Vermicelli and pho is excellent foods for us. Both had abundant extract of beef. Each of noodles had separated ingredients. We put some of it on the noodles and another good way of eating the separated ingredients was eating as it is like salad.

Three-color dessert with tapioca

Three-color dessert with boba (タピオカの三色デザート) 540 yen

It had coconuts juice, tapioka and anko. It’s sweet and good. But I think we don’t need crushed ice at the top of it.

Deep fried banana. So sweet.

Deep fried banana (揚げバナナ) 540 yen

Vietnam-Style Oshiruko. Those mochi was springy and good ! I love Asian sweets !

Vietnam-Style Oshiruko (ベトナム風おしるこ) 540 yen

Their dishes are familiar to Japanese tastes. I love their foods !


Name THI THI Vietnamese (THI THI)
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  1. annie says:

    spring rolls and phos are my favourite vietnamese food!! i’m so hungry now 🙁

  2. Mitzie Mee says:

    Pho soup is my favorite:) Fun that you got to wrap your own springrolls:)

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